Just scanning a couple of tunes today. Two pieces with Banjeaurines, "Obelisk Polka Redowa" and "Skylark Galop". Also a piece for the percussionists..."Drum March". All in A notation. Have fun!

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I think Redowa was a slower polka. One of the oddities of the Redowa was that it could be played/danced to in 3/4 time as well as in duple time. It seems the Redowa steps may have preceded the waltz historically. Or not. In any case Obelisk is in 3/4 time.

Rob MacKillop said:
what does Redowa refer to?
My 1897 "Funk & Wagnalls" defines it as "A round dance resembling the waltz or polka."

"Musician's Handbook," 1893, "A Bohemian dance in 3/4 time."
Yah, way too much time spent for the result. Still, it might be fun in ensemble. Stewart eventually produce the banjo-banjeaurine with a 10" pot and 22 frets. My large-pot Banjeaurine still has its full cantilever fingerboard but I don't think it goes to 22 frets.

Rob, since Hal Allert's band "New Criterion Banjo Orchestra" features banjeaurine parts (I think Hal plays it), I'll bet he has some full ensemble pieces all written out. You should ask him...I think he sent me a few with all the parts but I don't know what I did with 'em.

Also, you might query Eli Kaufman or Bill Morris of the ABF. They probably have what you're looking for.

Hi Rob, Thank you for posting Obelisk... I am going to try and get a couple of friends interested in playing it with me. Won't be for a couple of weeks though, but will let you know how it works out.
Rob MacKillop said:
and guitar part.

Unfortunately the banjorine part goes up to the 21st fret - too high for my Cole banjorine or my student's Ozark. Plus, it's not the finest piece in the world, but there are some good moments. The A section is the least interesting.

There were three or four bars where the parts did not add up - the banjos would have a D major chord, and the guitar an A major chord - that kind of thing. So there have been a few editorial decisions here and there.

Have I just wasted a few hours of my precious life? Possibly!

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