There are recordings of this by Charley Rogers and Parke Hunter in original recordings.  I only discovered this after I'd written the arrangement, which I've taken from the piano score, consequently if does differ in parts. I've kept it as a simple as I could and it's fairly straightforward apart from the trio which is slightly challenging to play at the given tempo. The piano score is in G/C, I've arranged it in F/Bb and I've added some octave repeats. I've seen reference to this being recorded by Ossman but so far, I've not come across a recording by him. The score and midi are in the library...Steve.

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Horrifically slow, but Ossman nevertheless.

Hi Marc, thanks for that, I quite liked this played by Osman at a slightly slower tempo...Steve.

Trapdoor2 said:

Horrifically slow, but Ossman nevertheless.

Yah, some of the mechanisms in those were speed adjustable, some were not...and stiff grease or a weak spring would get the RPM well below 78. That one sounds like it needs a new spring! The announcer sounds like a baritone when he's probably a tenor...

Hi Joel, apart from setting it in F rather than G, it's interesting to see that my arrangement isn't too far away from both of them....Steve.

Joel Hooks said:

I have the sheet music for an arrangement by Arthur Stanley.  I can't scan it as the sheet music is too big for my printer but here are some photos: 

I didn't seem to be able to post multiple photos in one post so pg2 has appeared first!  Oh dear.  Here is the sheet music cover which is lovely.

Hi Carrie, it seems that the scores for Hiawatha  are like the proverbial British bus, you wait for ever and one never comes and then you get 4 all together!...Steve.

carrie horgan said:

I didn't seem to be able to post multiple photos in one post so pg2 has appeared first!  Oh dear.  Here is the sheet music cover which is lovely.

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