And...just in case anyone else wants to attempt "Queen Of The Burlesque", I have some files out of the archives:


Please remember that fingering is an individual thing...and often subject to change w/o notice. The original JAT publication, with the exception of the harmonics, is not fingered. Marc D. and I have chosen to depart somewhat from the published arrangement in places.

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Thank you for posting the notation, TAB and tef    Marc.   Think I will make this my next project after Bright Eyes. Just started on Bright Eyes,so it  may be some time before I actually get around to it though.

The TAB maestro strikes again. Excellent stuff Marc!

I have attached the First banjo notation for those who would like it.



Thank you, one and all. Um, Ian? If you look at my "notation" attachment, yours was included.


No worries! Now there are copies aplenty!!



Hey Marc,

There must be still something going wrong on my Mac. Your PDF displays only part of the file.. no first banjo ?????   Anyway, as you say... you can't have enough classic banjo music :-)

We had this trouble with a couple of the TABs you sent me .. Perhaps I should go back to a PC.



I can see all of each of Marc's pdf-s on my mac.

thereallyniceman said:

Hey Marc,

There must be still something going wrong on my Mac. Your PDF displays only part of the file.. no first banjo ?????   Anyway, as you say... you can't have enough classic banjo music :-)

We had this trouble with a couple of the TABs you sent me .. Perhaps I should go back to a PC.



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