Testing again to see if I can post a photo. I cleared

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No visible photo. And no way to edit or remove this post. The site host is a Ning-com-poop.

Seems to all be there for me on my iPad, work computer (Microsoft), and home computer (Mac).

I get the same situation when using iPad or MacBook Pro. Same with Safari or Firefox. This suggests a possible recent incompatibility between Ning and Comcast, my ISP.

Thanks chaps, We are looking into fixing Jody's problems from here but it may require opening a TICKET with Ning Support..  hahahahahhhaha...   don't hold your breath!

Thanks Ian. So you know: It's not just me having the problem. I just got off the phone with new member Jay Feldman who was unable to post photos on June 4. He is seeing the same thing I am: no menu etc. And his ISP is not the same as mine. The only thing in common with our circumstances is Mac devices and living in the state of California.

California? You should move to Denial, that's what I did. ;-)

I'm Windoze based. Everything looks ok from my end.

Jody Stecher said:

Thanks Ian. So you know: It's not just me having the problem. I just got off the phone with new member Jay Feldman who was unable to post photos on June 4. He is seeing the same thing I am: no menu etc. And his ISP is not the same as mine. The only thing in common with our circumstances is Mac devices and living in the state of California.
Ian in Lancashire is Mac based and it all looks good at his end. I suspect that incomprehensible irresponsible NINGery is at the bottom of all this random imbalance .

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