Here is one I bought recently on eBay.  I fully expected to get an A notation version of the C notation book of the same name written by George Lansing.

While there are a few Lansing pieces in this book, there is no specific author credit for the for the complete work.

Turns out that this is a completely different book.  The music seems to be a cut above the normal "tutor" pieces.

What is of interest is the early instruction for alternate fingering (1894).  I just got it scanned so I hope you folks enjoy it.

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Sorry, I meant "sharps" instead of "steps". I don't think of it in terms of intervals...just adding or removing sharps or flats. "Drop" in this sense meant "erase" or "remove" in 'white out' or 'Tippex'. Bad choice of words on my part.

So, white out (tippex) the top line, add an extra line on the bottom, remove 3 sharps...and if there are less than three sharps, start adding flats. Ex: If the A notation is in G, remove the sharp and add two flats (Bb and Eb).

For "Frolic of the Coons", it starts with 4 sharps (Emaj)...which becomes 1 sharp (Gmaj) when altered to C notation. The trio is in 3 sharps (Amaj) and becomes 0 sharps (Cmaj). Etc, etc.

Okay, thanks Marc - appreciate the help.  There are some Converse tunes I'd like to transcribe so thanks for the help. 

Thanks Joel for sharing this tutor. It does look like a cut above the rest. I am going to add it to the Classic Banjo Resource site if you don't mind. And thanks to both you and Jody for a great discussion.

Please do. Also everything on my website and that I have put on the internet archive. I figure that the more places this stuff is the more likely someone might stumble along and accidentally realize that reading music is easy.

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