Here is a piece that we already have in the JUKEBOX, but today I received the banjo and piano score for it that I have now added to the MUSIC LIBRARY.


The Policeman’s Holiday was a popular tune here in the UK many years ago:


So let me dedicate this to Steve Harrison for all his work arranging banjo scores for the group, and also to Marc Smith who freely admits that he models his playing style on that of Olly Oakley. … good plan Marc, me too!



Olly sparkles in this piece, and I am sure that I heard several notes that were correct !

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Was I ever that young?..the picture dates from about 1991..every time I see it reminds me of things I used to be able to do but can do no grand children thinks it's hilarious....they thought I was always a fat so and  so....

That's a nice looking banjo, Steve. What is it?

I can't remember the make, as far as I can recall, it was a copy of a Gibson Master tone made in the far east. It played and sounded well. I sold it when I began my interest in classic banjo and used some of the money to buy my Weaver.

Jody Stecher said:

That's a nice looking banjo, Steve. What is it?

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