2 of the hooks on my Elias Howe "Superbo" banjo have broken at the top. 1 hook on my banjeaurine has stripped out.

I live near an excellent banjo dealer, but he just shrugs when I ask him about replacement parts.

And tailpieces! I use the "no-knot" tailpiece, which should be called the "no-good" tailpiece for its propensity to cut through gut. Why is is so hard to find old replacement parts? Anybody have a good source to share?

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I agree about the no-knot. The Saga version (with patent date) is the lesser of the evils but still bad. I have made mine out of wood. I do not have a original to compare the size with and I suspect mine are a little on the large size. But they work just fine.

Those look great, Joel.
Gee, I like the No-Knot TP. Sure, the modern ones need a bit of 'deburring'...

Bernunzio sometimes has parts, I bought some Stewart hooks/nuts from them 20 yrs ago.

Joel, your TPs look great. I have a couple of project banjos hanging in the shop that will get wood TPs much like yours.


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