A public service announcement: Paul Blumentritt, a new member of this forum, has been the proprietor of the Folk Shop in Tucson, Arizona for many years. He is retiring to spend more time with his grandkids etc and is selling his business and taking his banjos with him. I'm talkin' bout 200 banjos, many of which are vintage large pot Tubaphones, Whyte Laydies, and Little Wonders, which at 12 " is not so little so it makes ya wonder. He has plectrum and tenor banjos as well as many five-string banjos including Silver Bell. His plan is to sell part of the collection a little at a time according to circumstances. I have been a customer and can vouch that his banjos are fairly priced.
Paul recently discovered the world of classic banjo and that led to his finding this website. It occurred to him that he might be able to offer some banjos for sale here but being a well-mannered man he was hesitant to announce that here since there is no buy/sell section and he is by nature not commercially aggressive or pushy. I have told him I would pave the way by introducing him to the "classic banjo community" here and assured him that a low key announcement of a few banjos for sale from time to time would be well received.