NEW, OLD, 1904 BANJO TUTOR added to the TUTOR BOOKS page.

Our friend Ray Jones from Australia has "somehow" located and sent me a Canadian Banjo tutor book!

(Well it was published in Toronto and found in the National Library of Canada).

It is a bit of a poor scan but should be of interest as it is in "C" tuning.

Thank you Ray. I have added the tutor to the TUTOR BOOKS page for free download.

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The exercises on page 12 for learning the Key of F major are very good I think. It's interesting that each key has scale-based exercises in different rhythms. There is some overlap/repetition but it's not all the same stuff in each key.

This is quite a rarity. Few, if any, other banjo methods were published here. 

It appears that in N. America back then, C stood for Canadian notation, A was for American. As part of the British Empire/Commonwealth, Canada followed Britain's lead on most everything, even banjo tutors and notation. Otherwise Canadians would have naturally preferred A. Eh?


Shawn McSweeny said:

 Otherwise Canadians would have naturally preferred A. Eh?

Killer two letter repartee. Verrry good.

To paraphrase an old petfood commercial :

Canadian : "Say eh?"

Non Canadian : "Si."

Canadian : "No, say eh?"

Non Canadian : "Si. "

Canadian : "No. Eh!"

.Non Canadian : "  .  .  Sorry, it just isn't in me."


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