The renowned Maple Leaf Rag, composed by Scott Joplin in 1899. This banjo arrangement in the key of G from Hal Allert. Playin a bit unhinged lately but hope ...
"Nice playing. I for one enjoyed your interpretation. It's not 1900 anymore and a little rubato is just what classic style playing needs to propel it into the modern era."
"Well, props to you for taking it all in good humor!
Keep exploring this style, it is full of surprising and interesting tunes. Feelin' it is part of the fun. I have to concentrate so hard on my playing that I often look like I'm not…"
"Thank you all. New to this style of playing, I never really noticed my silly faces when I play. I guess just how I be feeling it ykno. And props to y’all wearing the suit and ties in this summer heat I’d probably die doing that. I…"
"Very good and relaxed playing. Perhaps I should get some shorts but maybe they would clash with my bow-tie and I don't want a glimpse of my knees to the give the ladies the vapours ;-)
Old Emile sure did knock out some great tunes and this is a…"