After the Banjo Collector's Gathering, I decided that the binder in which I keep all my music was getting over large and overweight. There were lots of tunes in there that I never or rarely pick thru and some new stuff that I wanted to add...but had no room to do so.

The ones that didn't make the cut are going into a seperate binder. I think I'll put all my 2nd banjo, banjeaurine & cello-banjo parts in yet another binder. year, start with a clean slate, etc. I've whittled it down to 35 tunes (all in TAB, of course):


In standard "C" tuning, gCGBD:


The Hailstorm Jig, Morely

A Banjo Oddity, Morley

Berkeley March, Brooks & Denton

Cannon Jig, Morley

Circus Parade, Morley (hmmm...this must be a trend)

Corn Cob Parade, Morley

Colorado Buck Dance, A.H.Nassau-Kennedy

Cupid's Victory, Weidt

Dimples, Morley

Donkey Laugh, Morely

Fun On The Wabash, Hunter

Galop De Concert, A.H.Nassau-Kennedy

Glitter Of Steel, Dorward

Honolulu Cake Walk, Lerman

Kaloola, Weidt (another trend, I fear)

Lancashire Clogs, Grimshaw

Pensacola, Hunter

Rag Pickings, Lansing

The Raiders, Weidt

Rose Leaves Gavotte, Morley

Royal Tourist, Percy Jacques

Skeleton Dance, Greenop

Sunflower Dance, Rowland

Whistling Rufus, Mills

Woodland Echoes, Armstrong


In "raised bass" tuning, gDGBD


Dashwood Quickstep, Oakley

Dat Yam Rag, Weidt

Drowsy Dempsey, Lansing

A Footlight Favorite, Grimshaw

Gypsy Love, Sheaff

Lillies Of The Valley, Weidt

Onion Rag, Weidt

Pink Lemonade, Weidt

The Red Rover March, Weidt

Somewhere In Dixie, Lansing


Failed to make the cut:


At A Colored Tea Party, Eno

Banjoland, Morely

Banjoliers, Grimshaw

Carry On, Kirby

A Darkey's Romance, Grimshaw

Darktown Dandies, Morely

Desert Trail, Morley

The Dusky Minstrel, Burns

Eli Green's Cakewalk, Koninsky/Morley

Favourite Waltz, Morley

Fernbank Quickstep, Oakley

Festival, Morley

Four Little Blackberries, O'Connor

In The Moonlight, Morley

Indian Patrol, Grimshaw

A Joy Ride, Morley

Kalamazoo Kapers, Armstrong

Kansas Jig, Ellis

Kingdom Comin', Morley

Kissing Cup Waltz, George

The Ladbroke March, Skinner

Limited Mail Galop, Frey

Louisiana Hoe Down, Armstrong

Man The Guns, Papworth

Mazurka, Morley

Mister Jollyboy, Grimshaw

Nuts And Wine, Morley

Ossmania, Ashton

A Plantation Episode, Grimshaw

Plantation Symphony, Eno

Popinjay Polka, Morley

Royal Rag, Armstrong

Rugby Parade, Oakley

Smokey Mokes, Holtzman

That Banjo Rag, Weidt

The Whistler and his Dog, Pryor/Morley

Yankee Boys, Weidt

Yankee Dandy, Weidt

Yankee Land, Hoffman/Ossman





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Just add a line to the staff at the bottom, delete the top line...and drop a couple sharps.

Or, you can wait for me to do my TAB thing (probably this weekend) and I'll print out a C notation copy (only takes a couple of button clicks once I've keyed it all in).

What I do is read the A notation ( or G in the case of Briggs) without banjo in hand. I sound the melody mentally and get an idea of how the piece goes. Then I imagine playing this in C tuning,  in the key of C (no matter what pitch the banjo is actually is tuned to). Then I take up the banjo and slowly play through the piece. Every now and then (about every 30 seconds)  I get confused and, for instance, interpret a B note as being the open second string but that is quickly corrected. A concise summary of this "method" is that I don't consider staff notation to be a map of fingering, but a map of melody. The fingering parts of the map (such as flags on the open fifth string and circles around numbers to indicate strings) are of great help.

I said "drop a couple sharps"...should have been "drop three sharps", which means the A & B parts come out in Cmaj (no sharps) and the Trio is in Fmaj (one flat).

I did the TAB for the 1st banjo part this evening. I'll do the 2nd bjo part sometime this weekend, clean it all up and send it to Ian.

Trapdoor2 said:

Just add a line to the staff at the bottom, delete the top line...and drop a couple sharps.

Or, you can wait for me to do my TAB thing (probably this weekend) and I'll print out a C notation copy (only takes a couple of button clicks once I've keyed it all in).

Marc has kindly sent his TABLATURE in C tuning for, first and second banjos, of Lansing's arr. Washington Post. 

Thank you for all the effort in producing the TAB. All these take time and I am sure that they are appreciated by all.

I have added the scores to the MUSIC LIBRARY.

Thanks Marc!!

Just to be pedantic, the TAB is independent of tuning (as long as the scheme is the same) but I included a set of dots in C notation...just to keep ya'll from having to use your dwindling supply of tippex or white-out. :-)

This is a fun arrangement and not too hard. I've added it to my "folder" and maybe next time I see Joel, we'll play the duet arrangement.

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