A Site Dedicated to all enthusiasts of Classic Style Banjo
Ning won't allow me to comment on the Moseying Around thread so I'm continuing here in a new one. Sylvia, if you substitute "guitar" or "glockenspiel" or whatever non-banjo you like for "synthesizer" you will see what I am getting at. I'm not against synthesizers and neither am I talking about them. I am talking about the diluting effects on quality that comes from attempts to popularize something. My examples were not meant to be taken literally or taken seriously.
i have understand the exact meaning of THE word ; so , if i discretly look at a banjo on ebay i would like to bid on and , at the end of the auction , i win the bid , i am a lurcky man isn ' it ?
No, in the parlance of ebay, you would be called a "sniper" (tireur isolé?). I snipe all my ebay auctions...and I have a program that does it for me. https://www.powersnipe.com/
marc dalmasso said:
i have understand the exact meaning of THE word ; so , if i discretly look at a banjo on ebay i would like to bid on and , at the end of the auction , i win the bid , i am a lurcky man isn ' it ?
Have I told anybody off for not posting?
"It got me to wondering about just how many people are 'active' on this site. There are over 400 members. How many have registered, got what they want and then gone on their merry way, never to return?"
I only wanted to know how many people are active on this site and this includes ones who like to remain quiet. I, in my terminology, have lurked on other sites, for various reasons which have been mentioned in this discussion. There is nothing wrong with remaining in the wings. If over 400 people are viewing this great - if not, as I said before perhaps they just joined, got or said what they wanted, and didn't return.
Finding out what people want from this site through discussion and comment will enhance the site and create even more interest.
We've had a good old discussion anyway, haven't we?
marc dalmasso said:
i have understand the exact meaning of THE word ; so , if i discretly look at a banjo on ebay i would like to bid on and , at the end of the auction , i win the bid , i am a lurcky man isn ' it ?
Marc, your reply is priceless. First time I have laughed today.
marc dalmasso said:
i have understand the exact meaning of THE word ; so , if i discretly look at a banjo on ebay i would like to bid on and , at the end of the auction , i win the bid , i am a lurcky man isn ' it ?
I guess I'm an unlurky guy, I completely missed Marc's pun-t...until just now.
Hi Trapdoor, I nearly fell off my chair. It was a nice bright spot before getting back to the serious business of classic banjo.
Trapdoor2 said:
I guess I'm an unlurky guy, I completely missed Marc's pun-t...until just now.
Hi Tom, it is good to see that you have posted !
The reason Mrsthereallyniceman is interested where people are and what they get from the site is that I have shown her the monthly statistics for the site and she commented on the vast number of page views.
From 10 March to 11 April 2012 we have had:
The hits can be shown to originate from different parts of the world:
and the percentage of new/ returning visitors can be shown:
As we have so many visitors it would be nice no find out what else I can offer on the site. We now have the LESSONS section, a FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS page, The MUSIC SCORES LIBRARY and the recently added TIME MACHINE of historic photographs.
Regarding the term "lurker", sorry but we are an internet based site and so use web parlance. In Internet culture a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file sharing, social networking site, listening to people in VOIP calls such as Skype and Ventrilo or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates actively. It is a widely used term and has no malicious intent.
If lurkers or visitors could let us know what they get from the site or what they would like from it this can form part of our development plan for further enhancements.
Tom, perhaps you have things that you would like to see on site? We have several new features on the drawing board... watch this space :-)
Ian, thereallyniceman
Tom Morrison said:
I agree with Jody regarding the "Lurkers" brand. As a newbie I learn more by reading the various posts, not feeling obligated to make commenst about things which I know little or nothing.
Ian, given this is a UK-based site (I know that is not significant in web terms but there you go) it is interesting to see the much higher number of US vs UK visits. How long has the site been active? I only found it about 6-9 months ago.
Yes Trevor, the high number of US based hits and the comparatively low number of US based posts was one reason we were interested in finding what visitors were viewing on site.
The site was first set up in January 2009.
You said it would be nice if everybody who visited the site would reply to your request to state in what way they utilized the site. The request was accompanied by producing the L Word in very large letters in bold face italics. Taken together the effect was like a "telling off" of anyone who did not post in the past and of those who in the future do not respond the request. The request in its apparent tone, however well intended, produced less than a dozen viewable responses. Perhaps a different way of asking would have produced more results. My comments about introverts and about increasing the popularity of the classic banjo genre was in reference to the badges. Now can we talk about Bill Ball?
thereallynicelady said: Have I told anybody off for not posting?
Hi Ian, Thank you for posting the statistics, it's very interesting to see all the information that can be gathered.
Now I must go and listen to the "Banjo Man" interviews.
thereallyniceman said:
Hi Tom, it is good to see that you have posted !
The reason Mrsthereallyniceman is interested where people are and what they get from the site is that I have shown her the monthly statistics for the site and she commented on the vast number of page views.
From 10 March to 11 April 2012 we have had:
The hits can be shown to originate from different parts of the world:
and the percentage of new/ returning visitors can be shown:
As we have so many visitors it would be nice no find out what else I can offer on the site. We now have the LESSONS section, a FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS page, The MUSIC SCORES LIBRARY and the recently added TIME MACHINE of historic photographs.
Regarding the term "lurker", sorry but we are an internet based site and so use web parlance. In Internet culture a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file sharing, social networking site, listening to people in VOIP calls such as Skype and Ventrilo or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates actively. It is a widely used term and has no malicious intent.
If lurkers or visitors could let us know what they get from the site or what they would like from it this can form part of our development plan for further enhancements.
Tom, perhaps you have things that you would like to see on site? We have several new features on the drawing board... watch this space :-)
Ian, thereallyniceman
Tom Morrison said:I agree with Jody regarding the "Lurkers" brand. As a newbie I learn more by reading the various posts, not feeling obligated to make commenst about things which I know little or nothing.
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