A Site Dedicated to all enthusiasts of Classic Style Banjo
I see that we have another new member - a very warm welcome to you and to all the other recent people who have signed up to this discussion group. I’ve not been here for quite a while as I work much…Continue
Tags: question, comments, posting, discussion, member
Started this discussion. Last reply by Patrick Garner Feb 15, 2015.
More and more people are signing up to be members of Classic Banjo. I've just scrolled down the page and counted 5 so welcome Rod, Bill, Errol, Guenther and Rory. Welcome to all the other newbies…Continue
Tags: comments, banjos, members
Started May 8, 2013
thereallynicelady has not received any gifts yet
Oh, sorry, I can't because I just play the piano and not a banjo. Tell you what I'll show you Ian's instead. You've all seen it before but here it is in all its glory without the distraction of the bow tie! It's a Clifford Essex Wood Hoop Special.…
ContinuePosted on May 6, 2013 at 19:01 — 16 Comments
The practice for the ‘new’ piece is now underway and OH is in the study working out fingering and playing short phrases over and over again. It takes only a short while for him to choose what to play and then it’s all systems go to master the music. I was wondering how members here go about choosing their ‘next’ piece. Do you flick through the music you have already, do you arrange your own, do you adapt a piece you’ve heard or do you raid the music here on Classic Banjo Ning? How do you…
ContinuePosted on May 3, 2013 at 18:50 — 13 Comments
Things are pretty much 'back to normal' here. Study door is shut, sounds of banjo music heard and OH only emerges for cups of tea or a meal. Something is afoot, though. How do I know? OH tends to focus on one thing at a time as you can probably tell by his time away from here. The roof took priority. Now he has another project to occupy him, which involves long periods at the computer. This project involves much hard work plus the added bonus of banjo music and,…
ContinuePosted on April 28, 2012 at 9:39
Having been to 'Dancing Time at the Library' yesterday and dancing in the man's position, (because there were not enough men to go round), a thought suddenly occurred to me.
The gentleman's ballroom hold is very similar to holding the banjo.…
Posted on April 20, 2012 at 18:07 — 2 Comments
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