Has anyone explored the world of the early guitar-banjos, or banjo-guitars (not a 5-string  banjo with an extra bass string). Bill's Banjos has a nice Fairbanks and Cole from 1881:


Was there any solo repertoire, or was it used mainly in the ensemble/orchestra setting for accompaniment?

I know they became very popular for early jazz guitar players, the increased volume helping them be heard against trumpets, and so on. But what about the period before that, say 1880-1920 - what were players doing with them?

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That would be something...
Well, The Enterprise Waltz is pleasant enough, but not overly inspiring. I do appreciate your posting it, Mike, and all the other bits and bobs were interesting too. I guess it is perfectly feasible to play on it any of the guitar publications from that period, for which there are quite a number. It's tempting, though I'd have to sell something first. As to finding one, I could do no better than commission Monsieur Stefanelli Le Grande to make one...we've already discussed it a little. He has interesting ideas for such a beast, and has made one or two in the past, put to good use in the Nice Banjo Orchestra.

Oh dear...can some kind person buy this for me and give me it as a Christmas present? 


Looks very nice indeed...

Do it Rob... you know it makes sense!  It is at a reduced too... just think what a bargain it is.

Oh, and how good it would sound, how nice it looks and what a great profit you could make if you ever sold it.

Well, those arguments usually convince me when I am suffering from BAS (Banjo Acquisition Syndrome)


Well, I hope someone here buys it. I dread it might end up with a guitar strummer...I'd have to sell something first, and I fear it will go fairly quickly before I get the chance. Can't complain, I have a killer 5-string! 

Ah, cruel BAS! I myself have spent the last two months in the throes of BAS; but, to make things worse, I have been having a bit of GAS lately as well. Here is a quick illustration of how it feels:

Typically guitar-banjos seem to sit around a shop for a few years before they are sold. They are inevitably strung with steel, usually of too heavy a gauge and the sound is bound down and will not fly forth so customers don't know what to do with them. Retrofret.com has 4 of them at the moment including a Yosco that is well worth a look.  I'd be slightly wary of a 14 inch Orpheum. The big Orpheums can sound very good if set up Just So but they can also be unfocussed and blurry sounding.  

Rob MacKillop said:

I fear it will go fairly quickly before I get the chance. 

Hmm...nice harp guitar on the retrofret site...goes nice with a banjo...

Nah...it's not going to happen. No money. No fun. 

Wow, I love that Yosco @ retrofret. I've been sniffing about for a Yosco tenor to convert to 5-string...but that "colossal" guitar-banjo is too cool. I can imagine it strung/tuned as a bari.

Embarrassed to admit, I'd never heard of Yosco's before now...

impossible ; i already have a Yosco cello 14 ' ; Rob Mc killop ' model

Wow. That MUST be good!

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