A Site Dedicated to all enthusiasts of Classic Style Banjo
Chris Sands…What a guy! What an inspiration! What a ..........
It appears that in one of our FREE beginners’ video LESSONS on the site that I included two, two bar exercises that I was taught when paying for lessons with Chris Sands in around 1978.
Chris has reported this as a Copyright Infringement to YouTube and they have deleted the lesson.
These four bars were, apparently, composed by TBj, and Chris who owns the copyright has demanded their removal.
Obviously, I sincerely apologise if this has been a gross infringement of TBj copyright and will ensure that I never let it happen again.
So the Lesson Fingering Exercises and Scales video has been deleted. :-(
To those who watched the video:
Please forget what I said and destroy anything that may remind you of those four bars.
But don’t worry everyone, I have edited and re-uploaded a redacted version of the video.
A personal message to Chris:
Thank you for your unceasing support for Classic Banjo and our website.
to late Ian ,those exercises are up in my head and i not destroying what i have left of that . I rarther do joe morley exercises anyway ,regards .Alan the learner
i am quite sure TBJ would not have done this ; the best musicians are always the more cool & sympathetic ( bela Fleck for instance ) ; and the excuse of the copyright is not a good one ; it 's always possible to have an exeption from the author , mainly for 4 bars
I think it's all rather sad, having taught two or is it three Federation Summer Schools I thought Chris was coming out of his "shell" (no pun intended) and taking part in the world of classic banjo. It would be good to see him making a positive contribution to this site - instead he has stepped back even further into the shadows.
Hope you have taken his advert for lessons off our site. Anyway you paid for those lessons do you not have some say in what you do with the information. And I'm sure someone on the site can devise exercises just as good if not better. Iam going to post this, hope I don't regret it later :(
Well it's the thin end of the wedge, eh? Fortunately our Copywrong Laws prevent this barbarous sort of thing from happening -- just think, if people learn Classic Banjo, what's next? The kazoo? It would be the end of civilisation as we know it, eh wot? Well, all's well and Tarrant Bailey's exercises have gone back to the obscurity of some drawer or file cabinet. Well done Chris, trebles all round! "Beat the system" indeed!
This seems so trivial...
Unless you specifically copied those measures out of a published work by Mr. Sands, I would say that they are fair game. Of course, he convinced Youtube via complaint...not much you can do about that. Really not worth the time and effort to rebut.
There are many, many similar exercises available. I'm quite sure you can make some up on your own (or find them in Public Domain banjo tutors) that are just as good.
A lawsuit (even a little one, successful or not) could shut this site down in a trice. We need to be as careful as possible concerning such things.
Unless someone is losing shed loads of cash over copyright issues, I can't see the carp. I have no problem putting arrangements in the public domain and if someone can make a few bob by playing them than that's fine by me. I would have thought that the free publicity gained far outweighs any financial disadvantage. Who's going to go out and buy a music book/tutor until they've had a chance to hear some of it first?
That would be me. I've never had the opportunity to hear the music first. I either take it on recommendation or simply take the chance.
I'm with you Steve, the free advert probably outweighs the tiny $ loss.
Steve Harrison said:
Who's going to go out and buy a music book/tutor until they've had a chance to hear some of it first?
Here's a tip on which I will not be claiming copyright - If you want to be able to play really loudly (I can already see one or two sensitive souls wincing) get yourself a few 'Bulldog' clips of varying strengths and commence squeezing them between the thumb and forefinger, followed by second finger, third etc. for ten times every day. Soon you will be able to pick up a sack of potatoes on one finger, and the noise you will be able to create will be unbelievable. This tip was given to me by my teacher, L.W.Howe, who was definitely the loudest banjo player I have ever heard. He passed on to the big banjo band in the sky, some years ago, so I do not think that any law suits will be coming your way if you publish this. I always thought that he had gone too far with this body building exercise as his fourth finger was as strong as his first.
Thank you for the tip, I'm going to try it. The bull dog clip is a bit " ouch " on the little fingers but I'm sure I can pad it with something.
Richard William Ineson said:
Here's a tip on which I will not be claiming copyright - If you want to be able to play really loudly (I can already see one or two sensitive souls wincing) get yourself a few 'Bulldog' clips of varying strengths and commence squeezing them between the thumb and forefinger, followed by second finger, third etc. for ten times every day. Soon you will be able to pick up a sack of potatoes on one finger, and the noise you will be able to create will be unbelievable. This tip was given to me by my teacher, L.W.Howe, who was definitely the loudest banjo player I have ever heard. He passed on to the big banjo band in the sky, some years ago, so I do not think that any law suits will be coming your way if you publish this. I always thought that he had gone too far with this body building exercise as his fourth finger was as strong as his first.
First I didn't know what a "bulldog" clip was. I found out. Then I couldn't locate the Ouch Factor. Am still confused about that. Didn't L.W.Howe press the clip *between" the fingers? Clipping it *on* the fingers would hurt. But why would squeezing hurt?
Squeezing the clip between the thumb and forefinger should hurt the muscles of the fingers unless you are Desperate Dan; do not overdo this exercise, commence with the lighter model of clip and work up to the , Jumbo size, when it starts to hurt, stop and shake the whole of your arm to get the blood circulating. I also failed to explain that this exercise is for the right hand, but, if you like doing it with your left hand, be my guest.
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