I've been working hard on the Calliope Rag. Here is me trying to play it all in one take, tempo problems, stumbling fingers and and me briefly forgetting the next note all included.

(non working file attachment removed..see posts below for audio link) but I have added an audio player for you


CALLIOPE RAG played by David Caron

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I have a problem with your upload as it appears to be in a "text" format. Do you have an MP3 of the recording that you could upload and I will see if I can get to work in an audio player for you?



I tried it after I uploaded it and it seemed to work. Let me look into this

Everything works here. I can even download it when I'm not connected to my account. However, if it doesn't work, the world will probably remain a better place with one less mediocre recording of the Calliope Rag out there

This is a .dms file.  This is not for music listening or videos as far as I can tell.  It also downloaded not once but twice and as two different types of DMS files. I don't know if it is dangerous or just quirky but I advise that people don't click on the link.  David, what usually works is uploading to youtube and then providing the link. 

Very odd indeed. Yeah, I don't know what happened. Will try to post a compentent youtube video this week. The recording had a few rough spots so i figure ill try to work on these parts before trying again

All of this trouble for a crappy rendition of a century old song

I Like It! actually.  You kept on going in spite of the potholes.  More power to ya.  I'll offer two pieces of constructive criticism.  At the end of the third part there is an ascending run. It sounds to me like you are using the thumb or index several times in succession. That's fine for successive quarter notes but it will never sound smooth for eighth notes and sixteenth notes. Plan ahead for the fast moving parts by practicing slowly and deliberately changing right hand fingers with each note,  There is also a tone/timbre issue,  That banjo sounds like it may be muted. Have you got a towel or a diaper or a loaf of bread in the pot?  I'd say let the banjo ring out. 

I have now added an Audio Player at the top of the post to make listening easier !

An admirable performance. One thing to add to Jody's suggestions... play slowly along with a wretched metronome and you will find that the stupid machines slow down in the easy bits and go too fast at the tricky bits!

Seriously though, they really help with getting timing as well as notes under your fingers. Alternately play along with a midi or MP3.  Jody and I both use "Amazing Slow Downer" software from Roni Music and it is great for timing and for working out sections of tunes "by ear". Unfortunately it is $50, but I am sure that there are other freeware slow down software packages around.

You can slow down youtube videos right there in the youtube window. It's crude, with no pitch change and only pre-set degrees of slowness but it's available. Some versions of Quicktime, which comes bundled with some versions of Mac computers has a basic slow-downer.  But for real learning and practice I use the Amazing Slow Downer.

thereallyniceman said:

I have now added an Audio Player at the top of the post to make listening easier !

An admirable performance. One thing to add to Jody's suggestions... play slowly along with a wretched metronome and you will find that the stupid machines slow down in the easy bits and go too fast at the tricky bits!

Seriously though, they really help with getting timing as well as notes under your fingers. Alternately play along with a midi or MP3.  Jody and I both use "Amazing Slow Downer" software from Roni Music and it is great for timing and for working out sections of tunes "by ear". Unfortunately it is $50, but I am sure that there are other freeware slow down software packages around.

I like to play along with Rob Mackillop's Scottish Classic Banjo Quartet : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_IRCBgnYfY

I can slow it down when things get tough. I've actually been able to follow along with the recording at full speed with minimal mistakes a few times, but as for my recording last night, my fingers weren't always willing accomplices. I decided to wing it anyways.

"At the end of the third part there is an ascending run. It sounds to me like you are using the thumb or index several times in succession." 

You are absolutely right. To make it easier for me in the short term, I have simplified a few parts, although I've begun to practice playing it "properly" this week. Hopefully, I'll post an update in a few months with improved results.

"Have you got a towel or a diaper or a loaf of bread in the pot?"

None of the above, although I wish it were bread. A great snack.

I was playing in the basement and trying to be quiet as to not distract my wife who was trying to get some work done upstairs. 

Thank you all for your constructive feedback. 

Try downloading Best Practice, it a comprehensive slow downer and it's free.



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