I'm trying to learn Alfred Cammeyer's Etude in G major. It's in the library here and also attached below in this message. There are some slightly weird things in this score and I wonder if the composer really meant all that is written. I've solved most of the mysteries but one remains. In the sixth measure of the fourth line there is an 8P indication for the first 4 notes. Since positions get their names (numbers) from the lowest fret in the chord position, I'm stumped as to why there is an 8. It seems it should be 7P,  The first note is D on the open bass string. there is no other way to obtain this pitch. Next comes E flat. (E was flatted two bars earlier).  In context, the obvious fingering is fret 8 on string 3.  Then comes F sharp with an indication to get it with the index finger of the left hand. That is found on fret 7 of the second string. The last note before switching to a 10P chord is c natural, gotten with the 4th finger of the left hand at fret 10 of the first string,  So we have 4 notes, each on its own string. From low to high the frets are open, 8, 7, 10. A diminished chord played as arpeggio. Shouldn't this be a 7P chord rather than 8P?  Am I missing something obvious?

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I make it a 7P chord with the first finger on the F sharp. E flat with the third finger and the C with the fourth finger. Played as an arpeggio (using a thumb glide across the Bass D and the Eflat.)

Compositor's goof!  Sometimes in this old sheet music I wonder if the person who added the chord/fret/finger notation had ever picked up or even seen a banjo, as there are often much better ways of playing the notes.

Or Printer's error. Put the wrong doggone numerical tile in the press.  Maybe. Thanks for having a look and confirming my idea. 

thereallyniceman said:

Compositor's goof!

Compositor: A person who arranges type for printing or keys text into a composing machine.

Same chap, I guess, as the printer   ... deserves to get he sack!


oh! I took it to mean a fancy word for "composer".  

thereallyniceman said:

Compositor: A person who arranges type for printing or keys text into a composing machine.

Same chap I guess as the printer, I guess... deserves to get he sack!


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