Hi y'all. This evening's lunatic fringe tune is Olly Oakley's "Marche de Concert". I don't know why I decided to tab this one out, but I did...and now I'm looking for a recording of it. Did Mr. Oakley record it? Anybody with a mp3 they'd like to share?

This is one of those odd circumstances, I was working on Tim Twiss's suggested tune over on the Minstrel list and while working thru it, discovered a section in F#m (natural minor of Amaj). While investigating this, I ran across the term "parallel minor" (Amaj's "parallel minor" is Am). So, when the Oakley piece dropped off a cliff and into some wacky minor-sounding stuff, I sorta knew where to look to find out what was going on...

Anyway, at M69 (which starts page 2 of the original dots), for only 10 measures, "Marche de Concert" suddenly gains 3 flats (from Cmaj to Cm). I can only describe it as jarring. No modulation, no anticipatory noodling, no "I'm about to change here..." This is sort of like Tiger Woods lining up a shot on the 10th tee, loudly and uncomfortably passing gas and then going back to playing golf.

I thought I had somehow completely screwed up the tab when I heard it.

So, now I'm wondering if anyone ever had the guts to record it. Dots and MIDI attached. I'll post the TAB when I sort out all those chromatic runs...

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Yes, it all begs the question which came first ......
I'll see what other recordings of it maybe hiding in my cupboard!
....and twenty years later we have:
Ok, 20yrs past and much closer to the dots...though without the strength and confidence apparent in the 1910 recording. The Eb section sounds quite a bit less jarring than the 1910 version...and even more "major" to my ears than the dots themselves.

That ending is still a mess (dots, recordings, macht nichts). It doesn't "flow" at all to me, sort of sounds like a jumble of notes climbing vaguely thru a cadence.

Very interesting. Thanks Dave!
It might have been getting near closing time!

Trapdoor2 said:
Ok, 20yrs past and much closer to the dots...though without the strength and confidence apparent in the 1910 recording. The Eb section sounds quite a bit less jarring than the 1910 version...and even more "major" to my ears than the dots themselves.

That ending is still a mess (dots, recordings, macht nichts). It doesn't "flow" at all to me, sort of sounds like a jumble of notes climbing vaguely thru a cadence.

Very interesting. Thanks Dave!

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