I have just got back from my trip to visit my son, our website programmer/developer, in Germany and am amazed that a nation seem so content to survive on a diet comprising mainly year old rotted cabbage, boiled to death red cabbage and sausages (that don't look like UK sausages... ooozing with nice greasy fat!)

Anyway, I survived the sauerkraut and now have several new ideas to enhance and promote the site... watch this space, but it may be a while ;-)

You will have seen that we are now on FACEBOOK, so please pop in and LIKE and share the page if you get time.

BUT the above rambling is not why I posted!  I am starting to learn a piece in 4/4 time that has chord tremolo from beat 2 of the bar and the notes are tied to beat 1 of the next bar.

Easy, but one thing that I don't know, nor the musicians that I have asked is:

Do I stress the 1st beat of the second bar using a firmer stroke of the tremolo (to keep the beat strong) ?   or just  play the tremolo the same for the 4 beats?


12 tr~~3~~4~~1~~2.  3.  41  etc


I hope that the musicians understand what I am trying to ask!!



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I think if you think in terms of clusters of four twiddles the stress will appear automatically... as in TWIDDLEtwiddletwiddletwiddle TWIDDLEtwiddletwiddletwiddle TWIDDLEtwiddletwiddletwiddle and so forth.

In the abstract I would think the tie suggests non stress on the new 1 . An better  answer *might* be forthcoming (from someone ) if we knew the identity of the piece of music. 

Thanks Jody,

It may be an odd question as ordinarily a note which is tied is played once and rings for as long as the tie. It maybe that a tremolo is not actually a tie and could be stressed for the next bar's 1st beat?  I will experiment with it!

This is a Van Eps piece that I am transcribing, by ear, from an old record that I had never heard before. I won't say which it is yet until I am clear in my mind that "most" of my transcription is close to how to Fred VE played the piece. Then perhaps Jody you could check it over before I post it?

Thanks to you Mike... twiddleys eh?  :-)

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