Ning won't allow me to comment on the Moseying Around thread so I'm continuing here in a new one. Sylvia, if you substitute "guitar" or "glockenspiel" or whatever non-banjo you like for "synthesizer"  you will see what I am getting at. I'm not against synthesizers and neither am I talking about them. I am talking about the diluting effects on quality that comes from attempts to popularize something. My examples were not meant to be taken literally or taken seriously.

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Ian, what is Bounce Rate please?

Hi Jody,

The "Bounce Rate" is a percentage used to assess the effectiveness of a website Home Page. When a visitor arrives on the site the effectiveness is statistically calculated by checking how many other pages of the site the visitor views from the home page.

This statistic is not really useful on our site as the majority of information IS on the home page, ie all the discussion.

On other websites where the home page is only a "welcome page" that shows links to information, products or services, the bounce rate is important.

Our seemingly high bounce rate is a result of people visiting, reading all the posts on the home page and then leaving, so it is not a problem.

Jody Stecher said:

Ian, what is Bounce Rate please?

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