The "copy" of this piece I have is the same as in the music library.  It looks as if the repeat dots have been added in.  Does anyone have a different copy of this piece that has not been written on?  Does it include the same repeat signs?

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My copy is the same. I think I got if from the ABF. I love this piece of music. Great to play and to hear.


I have an original of 'Life in La.' from CE in Grafton Street and another from CE in Earlham St.  They all have the repeats as shown emphasized in your copy.  Funnily enough, on a very tatty copy of the earlier printing someone has written the word REPEAT at the start and end of the piano part of the first section of the trio.  I think the confusion arises because the first banjo part omits the repeat sign at the end of this section.  Banjo music is riddled with errors - it's always best to check first what's in the piano part as they seem to have taken that more seriously.



Excellent!  Thank you!!

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