I have kindly received a scan of "Newton's Conservatory Methods' from a member on the website.

I have added this for download on the BANJO TUTOR BOOKS page.

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It was nice of that member to send you the scan I made of a book owned by Marc Smith which I uploaded to the Internet Archive.

Here is a link to all of the methods I have put up on the Internet Archive.  Most of them I scanned, a few PDFs were sent to me to post, and a few were grabbed from a university library that hid them behind a password. 


Please feel free to add any or all to this website as they are in the public domain and the more availability the better. 

Hi Joel...  Thanks to you and Marc! At least it keeps it all in the family ;-)

Sorry for being snarky, I'm glad when anyone finds use in this stuff. 

I personally respect the guys who grab all of this stuff and then sell it on eBay, easy, etc., as a download.  It is a great con selling things to people who do not know how to use google!

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