I assume this is a zither-banjo. The photos are too vague to be sure.

Can anyone see the alleged Amboyna wood?


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I just found out how to enlarge the photos. Yes it's a zither-banjo.  The website listing British banjo makers seems to have vanished. Has anyone seen or played or heard a John Werro banjo? This banjo has a plaque bearing his name.

Dear Jody,
I realise your initial inquiry was about 6 months ago, but you don't seem to have had many replies. I have never played or heard a John Worro banjo, but I have seen a couple. In fact there is one for sale on Ebay at this very moment although it doesn't seem a particularly good or exciting example. Who van tell though, just looking at a picture? All I can tell you is that he lived in England and made zither-banjos in the early part of the 20th Century.


The Vintage Banjo Makers site still seems to be going, but doesn't mention Worro.
Good Luck with your search.
Black Jake of Norwich.

PS. Sorry for the typo. It's John Werro, of course.

Hi Jake, I added a bit of detail to your post for you.


Thanks, Jake!

The ebay banjo looks similar to a Windsor model. 

This is a catalogue of stock from his shop: 


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