Cello banjo players are few and far between, shy creatures who rarely venture beyond the back row of anything,but here is one who is actively seeking another couple of banjoists who would like to make up a trio.  Unrepeatable offer, as you don't get many to a pound.  This one lives near Reading, but motorways are good, and as they might say, have cello banjo, and will travel.

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Hello Anthony, I'd love to take you up on your offer, but suspect Paeroa, New Zealand is a little too far off the motorway.  Do hope you find someone keen a little closer to home.

LOL, I have to drive nearly 800miles (about 13hrs, similar to driving from London to Edinburgh and back) to find other classic-banjo players. Sometimes I have resorted to backing traditional Old-Time musicians. More often, I'm serenading the neighborhood from my front porch. Occasionally I run across solos that work well with the CB...

I agree, 13 hours drive is a tad too much, even for a few hours of good music making.  I have bought Rod McKillop's arrangements of Bach's solo cello sonatas, which are just right for the cello banjo, but challenging to say the least.  They spend a lot of time high up the 4th string which is generally Terra Incognita for us bottom dwellers.  Persevering though, look for something in about 5 years time....

Correct.  Wait till the motorways get a bit nearer, and NZ might be a posility....

Brett Lowe said:

Hello Anthony, I'd love to take you up on your offer, but suspect Paeroa, New Zealand is a little too far off the motorway.  Do hope you find someone keen a little closer to home.

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