Does anyone have, are you willing to share, or can you tell me where to get a copy of Grimshaw's "The Banshee?" I'm busy working on a paper for school, listening to William Ball playing it on youtube, and when I have some time to learn a new piece, would love to try my hands at this gem.

I've been going back and forth with my right hand technique--nails, no nails, planting my finger on the soundtable, playing freestyle--and I believe I might be settling on freestyle with slight nails, mostly because I am becoming most consistent this way. 

Also, if anyone hear is deeply familiar with William Ball's technique, would you mind offering a couple comments about his right hand technique? I've been working to emulate it, but would love to know what others think.

Thank you,

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For those collectors of Classic Banjo scores who have not seen the website, have a look here at this resource of Joe Morley music:

The Banshee , is not included... but thanks to Rob for posting that.

Thank you for your replies everyone--and thank you Rob for sending it along! I'm excited about this piece. Now I must find some time to play it!

Any thoughts/opinions regarding William Ball's playing technique from the youtube videos? I'm impressed his economy of motion and apparent lack of tension--very impressive.

I'll let you know if/when I get this piece together!


Just an update on Grimshaw's Banshee.... I'm at the end of another hectic semester and spent part of the day working out all my fingerings and starting to work it to memory. It's a really fun piece with great contrasting parts. My classic pickin' fingers are very happy to get something else underneath them. Thanks for sharing!


More soon!


Greg, I'm planning on going to Suwannee Banjo Camp in want me to learn the 2nd part, perhaps help put on a short Classic concert for 'em?

That'd be great Marc! I'll do my best to have it together by then!

Trapdoor2 said:

Greg, I'm planning on going to Suwannee Banjo Camp in want me to learn the 2nd part, perhaps help put on a short Classic concert for 'em?

Well I almost have the Banshee down. I tried to record myself playing it this evening, but I still need to smooth out the transitions (I have each section worked out individually). In the meantime, I laid down A Rag-Time Episode. I'm really enjoying this music and I feel like I'm settling into a nail shape that supports the way my fingers extend to the strings. I had been going back and forth between flesh and nail and feel like I'm coming to a comfortable medium.

Looking forward to playing this stuff with more folks!


Happy New Year!


Okay, I gave it a shot. I really love this piece and am even more enamored of William J. Ball's playing. I'm still working on being more comfortable with the transitions, but was anxious to share what I was putting together.
Cool! Now I can't wait to go home and start playing the 2nd along with you...

Greg Adams said:
Okay, I gave it a shot. I really love this piece and am even more enamored of William J. Ball's playing. I'm still working on being more comfortable with the transitions, but was anxious to share what I was putting together.

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