Ive just bought this. It has John Alvey Turner stamps on it and is called 'The Alvey'. 

Does anyone have any information on this model? It looks like Clifford Essex parts and I know Essex did supply Alvey Turner. But I cant find any info online. It has a 12 inch head. 

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Quite funny to read a thread about the banjo I just bought.

Looks like an Abbott to me.

inlays , peghead , neck ' heel  means Abbott .

beautiful banjo , congrats


Any idea of when it might have been built?

marc dalmasso said:

inlays , peghead , neck ' heel  means Abbott

beautiful banjo , congrats

Do you think the reso is original to the banjo ? or  was it added  later ?

if it 's original  , i guess the banjo would be  closer  to the 20 's

I have an Abbott  , i guess closer to the 30 's  , and the original  reso  is fixed with 4 screws via the flange

I think it's original. But I'm not sure it's an Abbott. A few people have suggested it was made by Sidney Young. I'm trying to find a John Alvey Turner catalogue to confirm.

Here ' s is a picture of a JAT  made by  Sidney Young

Yes. A fellow on the Banjohangout is adamant that mine is a Sidney Young as well. It is listed in a catalogue apparently.


Joe Morley is pictured holding one of these 'Alvey' banjos on the cover of his banjo tutor which was published by Turner. as to the date of manufacture, I would say that the 'Art Deco' style of the tuners indicates the 1930s as does the resonator, The Abbott 'Mirabile' model was/is a very good banjo very much like this banjo. 
Andrew 'blind boy' Butler said:

Yes. A fellow on the Banjohangout is adamant that mine is a Sidney Young as well. It is listed in a catalogue apparently.

Thank's Richard, that's a great bit of info!

Hello Andrew, Congrats on your purchase of that lovely Alvey Banjo.

Alvey was a trade name of John Alvey Turner. The banjo would have been made for them by Sydney Young, who was Cammeyers maker. there are several distinctive features which are also common to Cammeyer branded Banjos.

I will send you a copy of the JAT catalogue tomorrow, Keith

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