Does anyone happen to have a MIDI file of the piano accompaniment to Norton Greenop's Skeleton Dance?  If you do & would be willing to share it I'd be most appreciative!

If not I will probably put one together myself and would happily donate it to the library.  Thanks!

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Mp3 / véritable  2nd banjo played by éric S


Thank you kindly, Marc (and Eric/Patricia Stefanelli)!  That's a wonderful resource.

Skeleton Dance is a great banjo tune..excellent!

Hi Andy,

Is this any use??? 

I hope it helps.



Splendid, Ian!  Thanks ever so much.  I'm hoping to get a clip recorded in time for Halloween, but no promises.

Here is my arrangement from the first and second banjos with a cello banjo as the third. If you would like the dots, I can do that also.



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