Comment by Jurg Pfister on July 23, 2014 at 19:53

Here's a shot of Vess Ossman's Banjo Orchestra probably from the late teens but I don't think the resemblance with the banjoist in the video clip is very strong.

Comment by Shawn McSweeny on July 23, 2014 at 20:37

Take a closer look and you may think differently.  Both faces are lean and well proportioned with similarities in hairline, brow, cheekbones, mouth, chin, projecting ears and so on. After puzzling over this for some time last year, I was convinced the video is of Ossman. 

I later discovered the original film clip identified this as Ossman playing Dixie. I understand the audio is a recent overdub from a cylinder recording.  It is not cued properly and does not coordinate with the finger placement on the fretboard. But only a few banjo geeks would notice.

Numbers on the captured image are the fret positions. Looks like 20 frets to the rim which is what you'd expect for a 28" scale with 12" rim. Ossman preferred 12 x28 .

Comment by Joel Hooks on July 23, 2014 at 22:03

Let's see if this works...

Click here

Comment by Joel Hooks on July 23, 2014 at 22:09

Almost!  So the entire Vess Ossman video starts at about 50:45, this was as close as I could figure out how to get.

So there you have it.  If you are like me, you will stare at it until you go cross eyed.

I could not tell what banjo he is playing, anybody got an idea?

Comment by thereallyniceman on July 24, 2014 at 18:18

Sorry to throw a wrench in the works, but one question:

It states on the film information that the recordings were made from 1924-1927.

Is it not the case that Vess Ossman died of a heart attack in December 1923 ?

Comment by Trapdoor2 on July 24, 2014 at 21:01

Oh, come on. You don't think that a mere problem like being dead would stop someone like Vess Ossman?

Comment by Benjamin Stephens on December 6, 2015 at 16:44

Hello All,

Firstly, this site is an amazing source of information and everyone who contributes I am very appreciative for.  I have been doing research on my family history and this is one of few places I can get good info. 

My name is Ben Stephens, I am the grandson of Helen Francis Reed (Ossman).  I am the great great grandson of Vess Ossman and the great grandson of Vess Jr.. If anyone has any other information on my grandmothers side it would be greatly appreciated.  If anyone also knows of the whereabouts of the banjos they used, I would love the opportunity to see them! 

Thank you!

Comment by marc dalmasso on December 6, 2015 at 18:06

who id Vess Ossman junior ?  pictures ?  did he really existed ?  was he a banjo ' player ? some members of this site have  some doubts about this

Comment by Benjamin Stephens on December 6, 2015 at 18:25

Vess Ossman Jr. is the son of Vess and Eunice. Vess Jr. did exist and he was my great grandfather.  He was also a banjo player and he traveled with Vess to perform a few times before his death. I do have pictures of the family etc, and even an original pic of Vess with Vess Jr. and their banjos. I have to get the photos from my mother and I will post them to the site. 

Comment by thereallyniceman on December 6, 2015 at 18:27

Hi Marc good to see you.  Don't be a stranger !

From my files:

Vess Ossman Senior

(I guess he played the banjo)

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