Attached is a version of Marmion Schottiche from Clarke Buehling's "Choice Music for Banjo and Banjeaurine." I play it in eAEG#B rather than standard C. It's played on my ca. 1880s Morrison with nylgut strings.

It's a rough recording - both in its playing and actual recording. But had I decided to wait for perfection I'd never post anything ... :)

Feel free to advise, criticize, or comment.

Finally, what do you folks use to record your tunes? If anyone has recommendations for a good recording mic (in a moderate price range) I'm all ears.


Marmion Schottiche.mp3

Views: 104

Comment by Trapdoor2 on June 22, 2009 at 15:34
Bravo! Well played!

Your setup sounds pretty good as it is. I use a Logitec USB mic...seems to do fine. Not recording studio quality but good enough for online stuff. Zepp Music has a good little tutorial on how he does it...with a cheap lapel mic taped to a pencil... He gets really good sound!
Comment by Adam on June 22, 2009 at 15:57
Thanks, Marc. I checked out Zepp's tutorial ... Gotta love his approach.
Comment by Carl Anderton on June 23, 2009 at 4:23
That sounded really good, J.A. "Choice Music for Banjo and Banjeaurine" is an excellent little booklet. I hesitate to record some of the tunes, sometimes, because they sound a little...simple. But then I hear other people play them, like you, and they just sound really great. Not simple--evocative, artistic, and banjoistic.
Comment by Adam on June 23, 2009 at 5:40
Thanks, Carl. I agree the tunes in Clarke's folio can seem simple ... But they are such charming and winning tunes that they quickly have me under their spell.

While not intended as "exercises," per se, their musicality is not unlike the Grimshaw exercises so often raved about on this site ... And for all the right reasons.

Comment by Joel Hooks on June 23, 2009 at 23:40
Good work, keep it up!

Carl, you think these pieces are simple yet you spend so much time in the "dark ages" on your tub. ; )

Here is what it looks like in dots.

Comment by Carl Anderton on June 24, 2009 at 4:10
Thimble style is where the big money is at, Joel ;^}

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