A Site Dedicated to all enthusiasts of Classic Style Banjo
Down at the bottom of the page is a link to BADGES. This was my first investigation and I hope that the badge appears at the top of this post. If it doesn't it's back to the drawing board. The code from this badge can be inserted into web pages if you wish the world to know that you are a member of this site.
My second investigation was looking at other people's blogs just to see if anyone posts regularly. There are about 32 blogs of which only a handful post regularly. Some people have not posted for quite a while, and some people post quite regularly. (I think that the 'very well done' should go to Marc for regular entries from 2009 - sorry that was a bit of teacher speak.) A few people seem just
to want information
to want to sell something
to just want to comment
and some seem to be
Quite a lot of people start discussions, add videos and post photos as well as adding comments. (Have a 'very well done' from me.) I shall have a mosey around those next time. It got me to wondering about just how many people are 'active' on this site. There are over 400 members. How many have registered, got what they want and then gone on their merry way, never to return?
So from this moseying around I am going to expand my horizons and post a Discussion. It would be great if all who view it make a comment so we all can 'see' who is out there and active.
There's lots to play about with here - a Main Room, where you can 'talk' to Members Online. (Dare I chat to anyone?). You can have a private conversation by clicking on their name - a little box pops up. I'm not too sure about the Notes page.
Right, I'm off to sort out my Discussion post. I should actually be hoovering but that can wait.
Thank you for the comments on my other posts. It's great to have feedback and Marc, I'll take a picture of the inside of the piano for you. Watch this space.
PS I've just previewed this space and the badge doesn't appear. Perhaps I don't have Flash. Ho hum!
You don't have to be be polite Jody...
Football? I can't stand the sport, but I love the Uke.
In fact, I used to be quite an expert at the George Formby "split stroke" on the uke-banjo. :-)
I remember Fernadel on a Black and White British TV advertisement for Dubonnet. I laughed then (as a child) and still laugh today:
Here is the advert: DO HAVE A DUBONNET
Sorry about the pesky advert!!!
The brand Dubonnet vanished for a long time ; sometimes , it ' s possible to see their old advertising on some ruined walls of old houses in the country ; The painting was blue , and , for sure the paint is ..........prewar
Ah,Dubonnet! It brings back memories. My wife Kate is only 12.5 % French. In the 1970s she was in a band that played a lot of Cajun music. Acadian ("Cajun") French is like the language in parts of France in the 1700s. Anytime Kate couldn't remember a word in a chanson acadian she'd sing "Dubonnet" instead. And if a whole line was elusive due to the antique language or to unclear singing on an old 78 rpm recording, she'd substitute a line containing the word "Dubonnet". Cajuns who heard this found it very amusing.
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