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Austin 's Discussions

The banshee
2 Replies

I was looking at the score for the banshee by Emile Grimshaw, and I noticed that he marked the dance section "not to be played quickly" and yet it's set to vivace or at least more BPM than you would…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Austin 23 hours ago.

Different Keys?
5 Replies

I'm assuming so, but I'm unsure. Are there any Classic banjo pieces that go outside of the usual C major, C minor, G major, E minor keys? I know these are the keys best suited to the banjo and can…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joel Hooks yesterday.

Ragtime banjo
2 Replies

As a newcomer, I have to ask, why is it called classic banjo when it could be called ragtime banjo?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Austin on Tuesday.

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Austin replied to IAN SALTER's discussion Opinions on how to play this measure.
"If you want a good way to practice this particular movement,from the fourth to the F shape, Grimshaw's first exercise in how to excel on the banjo practices it."
17 hours ago
Austin replied to Austin 's discussion The banshee
"Sorry, I use speech to text"
23 hours ago
Jody Stecher replied to Austin 's discussion The banshee
"What is "plastic banjo"  ? "
23 hours ago
Austin posted discussions
Joel Hooks replied to Austin 's discussion Different Keys?
"The answer is "yes". Plenty of American publications too.  The Walter Jacobs Banjo Collections have several "odd" key pieces. It seems that you are new to "classic banjo".  I recommend a course of study in…"
Richard William Ineson replied to Austin 's discussion Different Keys?
"Morley's 'Moonlight Revels' has a movement in E major, Lawes' 'En El Camino' has a movement in Db major if I remember rightly  and one of Bill Ball's pieces has a movement in Gb major. "
Jody Stecher replied to Austin 's discussion Different Keys?
"For other-than-ragtime, check out, for instance Emil Grimshaw's Kentucky Memories or Plantation Episode. Or Colonial March by Parke Hunter (F and B flat).   And most of the vast C major repertoire of all sub-genres moves into F in the…"
Jody Stecher replied to Austin 's discussion Different Keys?
"There are  pieces in F, Bb, Eb and even Ab.  Many of these are within the ragtime repertoire. The library here is full of such pieces.  For instance check out the "Ragtime Oriole" (4 flats/ A flat major) or "Grace and…"
Trapdoor2 replied to Austin 's discussion Different Keys?
"Modulation is quite common, esp in the trio. Most of these are simple modulation, I-V, I-IV and then relative and parallel minors. The most common keys live in the band between 3 sharps and 2 flats...but there's always room for other stuff on…"
Austin replied to Austin 's discussion Ragtime banjo
"Gotcha! Thanks, Joel!"
Joel Hooks replied to Austin 's discussion Ragtime banjo
"There are thousands and thousands of pieces composed or arranged for classic banjo. "Ragtime" would be a genre inside of classic banjo, the same as marches, schottisches, polkas, jigs, reels, hornpipes, waltzes, mazurkas, cakewalks,…"
Austin posted a discussion

Ragtime banjo

As a newcomer, I have to ask, why is it called classic banjo when it could be called ragtime banjo?
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