A Site Dedicated to all enthusiasts of Classic Style Banjo
Hi all,
next month (Thursday, April 12, 2012) will be the 12th anniversary of the passing of the great William J. Ball.
Since the Great Man's only composition, Twilight Caprice, only exists in manuscript form (kindly provided by his son on his excellent webpage), I thought we could attempt to "publish" a clean, digitalized and well-edited version of his magnum opus as a memorial to his work.
I have started to edit the 1st and 2nd parts in traditional Classic Banjo annotated sheet music, but if someone would volunteer to work on a TAB version it could be a good addition to make this piece of music available to the general banjo-playing public.
Likewise, if anyone would like to attempt a recording or internet duet, I think it would be a fitting tribute for it to be performed in his honour.
Any suggestions?
Great idea, Mike!
I would be very happy to do the TAB portion. Great idea, Mike.
Not got the time to help but it's a great idea.
BTW, when I generate TAB, the program also creates a notation version. I can output either or both or whatever.
I'll start on it tonight.
I can't start learning any new tunes for a while, at least until after May. Hard enough to get what I've got practiced up for my teaching stint in May.
Thanks a lot Marc. Can your tab program read music XML or ENF formats? If it can, I could just send you the sheet music once I'm done with it and all you'd have to do is correct the fingerings in the tab program. I'm typing it into SmartScore which is more user-friendly when it comes to notation. I could also produce a MIDI file if you want.
I'll try to learn it, though I don't know if I'll be able to get it down in a month, especially considering that page two has a frightening amount of flats in the key signature...
I'm just your average hack banjo player, but I think that it's wonderful that there are folks out there who have the ability and are willing to do this sort of thing. You have my admiration.
Nope, I have to key it in one note at a time. Good news: I have been doing it for years...doesn't take me long to get thru it. Bad news: dotted notes are a PITA and TC is full of 'em. Might take me a couple of days to get thru it...
While TablEdit will import MIDI, it takes almost as much time to sort the results out as it does to simply key them in directly.
Five flats! Isn't that something like Rb or Qbm?
I actually have a note guide (for the full fretboard) which is enharmonically laid out using nothing but flats (instead of sharps). It helps a lot with stuff written in multiple flats.
Mike Moss said:
Thanks a lot Marc. Can your tab program read music XML or ENF formats? If it can, I could just send you the sheet music once I'm done with it and all you'd have to do is correct the fingerings in the tab program. I'm typing it into SmartScore which is more user-friendly when it comes to notation. I could also produce a MIDI file if you want.
I'll try to learn it, though I don't know if I'll be able to get it down in a month, especially considering that page two has a frightening amount of flats in the key signature...
Me too, Ray. I may be able to learn the 2nd part but that 1st is beyond the capabilities of my fat little fingers.
Ray Jones said:
I'm just your average hack banjo player, but I think that it's wonderful that there are folks out there who have the ability and are willing to do this sort of thing. You have my admiration.
OK Marc, I'll produce the pure-notation file and you can produce the tab. If you like, you can make yours TAB only as I've found that notation readers don't tend to look at the TAB and TAB readers don't look at the notation so the double-staff system, while nice, is ultimately a bit redundant.
Also, I think I've found a mistake in bar 16, if there is a triplet in the "twiddly dee" the tempo doesn't add up so I've removed it in my copy.
This is a great idea Mike, thank you for contributing. I am sure that no sooner than it is done in notation... you will be able to play it !! It would take me 12 months to get it ;-)
Thanks to everyone who has offered assistance. I am sure that Wm J B will be smiling down on us!
I started on it last night, got thru the A part, no problem. Found/corrected the error in bar 16. Working out which part leads to which other part took a bit of study on my end. I've been listening to Bill Ball's recording this morning...which will help a good bit.
The tempo marking is "moderato"...for which I use 108bpm. In playback of the MIDI, 108 is crazily fast. I've 'guesstimated' Mr. Ball's recording at a much more languid 70 bpm. Would y'all think it better to translate the tempo guides into English? I had to look up "più mosso"...
Am I right in thinking the part in five flats is Dbmaj...so the modulation is to/from Dm (one flat), a parallel minor?
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