Vess L. Ossman... The Greatest Classic Style Player Ever?

Here is another early record featuring Vess L. Ossman.


This piece, if you can ignore the content and vocals, really demonstrates the crisp clarity of Ossman’s playing.


I can understand why he is regarded, by many, as the greatest ever Classic Style player.

MY GIRL FROM DIXIE Vess Ossman and Len Spencer

It is a pity that he stooped to recording such tripe as this!


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Well, somebody had to play the banjo in this...might as well be Vess!

The clarity of play is indeed astounding. It had to have been an odd time for recording artists. Record producers wanted 'entertainment' and often pushed singers to sing off key and/or try to "ruralize" their speech (minstrel tradition, etc.). "Ethnic" or "Rural" stuff sold better than the fancy stuff in many markets...and that has influenced the recording market to this very day.

I don't know about "the greatest ever" but he's standing shoulder-to-shoulder with great company on both sides of the pond.

Ossman was a powerful player with a great natural sense of rhythm, allowing him to excel at the popular, syncopated melodies of the day. Southern plantation melodies and parlour tunes were at the core of the banjo repertoire in 1890, but within a few years, the young, innovative Ossman was recording Sousa marches, ragtime, pop songs and Broadway hits, originally scored for piano or other instruments. His many records sold well and helped build his reputation. Others, such as FVE, were drawn to the instrument by his masterful playing. His success helped define a path for other banjoists to follow.

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