The Princess Royal (Schottische)..1891..Monroe H. Rosenfeld.

This early composition is tailor made for the banjo. He's borrowed from Scottish and Irish traditional music and by using the characteristic Scottish snaps, he's written the first section and its repeat as a Strathspey. I play a lot of trad. music on my squeeze box but I don't recognise any of the melodies used.  There is a tune of that name that was composed by the Irish harpist O'Carolan in the 17th. century but none of it is featured in this composition. Overall, it's a good tune and very pleasing to play. The score and midi are in the library...Steve.

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Hi Steve,

Both your post title and the cover art identify The Famous Princess Royal as a schottische.  For those not familiar with the schottische dance form and the characteristic tunes that accompany it, both originated in ... Bohemia!  And then there's the clog, another type of tune and dance, originating in the North of England.  The Famous Princess Royal sounds to me like it is part schottische and part clog.  The dotted rhythms are probably intended to signal "Scotland" but the tune does not sound "strathspey-ish" to me.  

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