When our third wave and third lock-down arrived, I'd already passed a year making several wood carvings and a banjo. Looking for a change, in the past month or so, I've  transcribed several Ossman recordings.

Here is "Arabia March", transcribed from Ossman's  c.1907 Nassau B-76 recording, which is available from the  "Original Recordings" library.

The piece was written by Larry Buck, a "nom de musique" for Laurent Dubuclet, aka Lawrence Duclet. He was a saxophonist, composer and teacher. The superb cover illustration for the piano score sets the scene.

Digital score playback, notation and TAB are provided.

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Great stuff Shawn!  Thank you for all the work that you have put in to producing these scores for us. I will add them to the MUSIC LIBRARY later. 

I used to think that I was a "perfectionist' but compared to your work I am a novice ;-)

Now we need to see you playing it !!

Just trying to meet the high standards on site established by your efforts, Ian.  As for playing to video, the more I practice, the more my left hand complains. We'll see. 

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