Over the last few weeks I have been researching, collecting, editing and compiling hundreds of original Classic Banjo recordings.

I have now made these available as a "JUKEBOX" with a playable database of music from the original era of the Classic Style.

Make your selections and listen to how the style was performed by the professional players of the time.  

Have fun, sit back and relax and I hope that you enjoy the music!  

Ian,  thereallyniceman

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Excellent, Ian!

I had a bit of trouble with the "play" icon, it is quite dim and is partially hidden by the selection menu. Perhaps it might need to be moved and be a bit more prominent?

Once I found it, the tunes loaded properly and played nicely...no worries there!

Another ground breaking step forward for the banjo world, congratulations! If only you had been around fifty years ago. Mark my words, you will conquer the world. 

Brilliant Ian. I noted what Trapdoor said about the play button and once you know it's there it's ok.

This is an amazing resource... listening to Parke Hunter playing his arrangement of "William Tell Overture" is a mind-blowing experience!

Thanks everyone. It took an amazing amount of time getting all this together so I hope that you all enjoy the music.

Richard:   Kind words indeed, thank you. I know that you have contributed a lot to CB and if you have any more that you would like to offer I will be pleased to add it to the site for everyone!

Mike:  So is it the William Tell Overture next for you??   ;-)

Sylvia and Marc:  After you select tunes to add you should click the show/hide icon :

This closes the search box and AUTOMATICALLY starts to play your first selection... so there isn't a play button!  You can pause/play with the player normally. If you want to add more tunes to the playlist, click the show/hide icon again and add more tunes as before!

This is still at testing phase and has been checked in several browser versions, but there could still be the odd bug.  When you have clicked the show/hide icon you should see something like this:

If it looks different in your browser, could you please let me know and we will tweak a few valves at our end ;-)

It looks different in my browser (here at work). I'm using IE 8 on an XP machine. I cannot seem to get a screenshot to work but the show/hide icon is not aligned with the "or enter keyword" box, it is dropped down and nearly completely hidden (it is peeking out a bit) behind the item selection box...I didn't know what it was at first, so I couldn't get from selecting pieces to viewing my list.

Another suggestion: in the list of works, they are very widely dispersed...in some case the text to choose a piece is actually vertical










Last suggestion: the selection list doesn't show the performer or date. These facts appear after one has made a selection, it would be nice to see that info on the list itself.

This is a great resource, Ian! Well done!!

Hi Ian,  See Trapdoors explanation above, he's explaining it better than I could. I was using windows vista yesterday when I first looked at the Jukebox and found the same probs. the play button was half obscured by the scroll bar and the letters were vertical rather than horizontal.   Today  I've had trouble getting onto the internet ( for hours ) so I decided to  use Mozilla firefox( no probs getting onto the internet with that )  and it all looks so different.  The play button is well clear of the scroll bar, and I have a list of pieces to the right of the Jukebox.   Internet  Explorer.... bin it.

i have an old PC 666 with windows 95  & a  8 bit memory bar ; the juke box ask me a coin .... strange

Marc,  you spotted my cunning plan to get rich :-)

how lucky we all are, it took me while to get sound to come out ,but when the tune nola came bursting though i thought i was in banjo heaven. a big thank you to Ian.

I have spoken to my web developer son, and general smart Alec :-)    regarding a problem that Sylvia and Marc S  have had with the jukebox player.

Apparently the Ning hosting server uses extensive cacheing and often uses cache files  with "expire headers" which reside in your Temporary Internet files, until they expire or are deleted.

We have made modifications to CSS files which control the layout of features on site. He suggests that you clear Temporary Internet files in your browser.  In Internet Explorer go to TOOLS/ INTERNET OPTIONS  and select Delete temporary Internet files.  Then re-start your browser and try again and it should be fixed!

Sylvia, you mentioned that you used Mozilla. You will probably find that your Mozilla did not have the old CSS cache file and cached our NEW file from NING. That is why your Jukebox displayed correctly.

He also forwarded me screen shots of the Jukebox working correctly in both IE 8 and IE 9, so please give the fix a try.


I think a vote of thanks is well overdue to Ian for all the work and dedication he has undertaken  not only to get this excellent resource up and running but in keeping  banjo.ning functioning as well as he does. It must be one of the best specialist user groups on the web. Are you accepting suggestions for further inclusion in the Jukebox?

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