Somehow, today has been one of those "name that tune" days. I keep hearing tunes that are familiar...but I can't place 'em or cannot recall the name.


Here's one posted today to the Banjo Hangout. Nicely played in the classic style (except for the fingerpicks). The tune is one of those "standards" used in radio and TV (and probably the movies too) to evoke a dance setting. I agree with the last post, it was used a lot in cartoons as well.


Identify this tune...



Ok, I'm a dummy. It is "Rustic Dance" by C.R. Howell, ca.1898. Anybody seen a contemporary banjo arrangement?

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All I can find is a Herbert Ellis banjo solo  in C major called Rustic Dance but it's not the CR Howell piece. It's in 3/4 time.  I've heard the Howell melody played as a schottische by American and Canadian fiddlers and I'm pretty sure I've heard it from southern banjo pickers too but not always with the same title.

I've finally remembered why it is so of those tunes Carl Stalling (Warner Bros. brilliant composer/arranger for cartoons) used whenever characters were dancing gaily about. I have it on a soundtrack from an early sound cartoon of Oswald Rabbit...and I think Betty Boop as well, among others.

I've found an early copy of the piano score on ebay, I may give it a go as a banjo arrangement.

Okay Marc, you are missing the weekend of your life. There will be this and HUNDREDS of other cool tunes. Sneek preview for those in comfort of their own home.

Just rub it in Tim...I'm grieving enough as it is!


Tim is talking about the Antietam Early Banjo Gathering (number 4?) which is happening this coming weekend on the Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland. This will be the first year I will not be able to attend. :-(


I'm hoping Greg can get a Skype link going so we can at least listen in!

Commiserations Marc, the Skype thing sounds good but will the time difference not make it awkward ?

The time difference is only 1hr (I'm in Alabama, the festivities are in Maryland). Biggest problem will be that they will be having fun and I'll be home doing yardwork...

Perhaps you were thinking of Monsieur Marc? I am "Hey you!" Marc... ;-)

Sylvia said:

Commiserations Marc, the Skype thing sounds good but will the time difference not make it awkward ?
Silly me , of course you are USof A,   and no I wasn't thinking of Monsieur Marc,   but I was really thinking of anyone over here linking in.    Well you will just have to make sure you get there next year.

Yes, I will make sure I have the time available next year. They changed from Sept. to June this time around and I got caught out, having plans already laid to burn most of my vacation time in Feb, March and April. When it was in Sept, I had a 'recovery' plan which allowed me to do our usual "spring" vacation stuff and then build enough vacation hours to take off in Sept.


No worries though. I've aready applied for a kitchen pass to go to my very first ABF rally in October. It is in Punxsutawney, PA, Oct 20-22. All Classic Banjo...

The ABF rally sounds good.   Enjoy.

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