Hi all! Thanks for including me in this community!

I am in the process of setting up and stringing up one of my resonator banjos with nylon strings to learn on/get started, but the ebony-topped bridge I have isn't really cutting it. It sounds dumpier than I feel like it needs to, and as a woodworker myself I'd like to use this as an opportunity to make my own. Does anyone have information and/or specs for building the ultimate bridge that will surpass all others and catapult me to technical superstardom?

Interested in information on string spacing, height, wood types, etc.



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Try the .... George Washington bridge, George Washington Washington bridge, George Wash... oh wait a minute... 


You're too late. Joel Hooks (member here) was able to defeat Gollum and acquire the "One Bridge To Rule Them All". His reproductions are blessed by Galadriel and smooched by Arwen. If you have two in the same room you can sometimes hear them singing to one another in Elvish late at night when it is very still and the moon has Venus in her arms.

Much jollity chaps, but little help I fear :-)

Grace, as a woodworker you will be able to spend your days whittling away on the front porch after reading site member, Joel Hooks', short primer on antique bridge designs:

LINK TO VISIT PAGE :     Joel Hooks' Website

Joel may reply to your post as he is in regular contact here. I prefer a "Morley" style made of maple as can be seen at the bottom of Joel's Shop page (where you could buy one!) I have made a few of these bridges from old maple flooring timber.  I prefer to make a 5/8" tall bridge that I can reduce in height by sanding the feet to get the correct action height for the strings.

When I was much younger, I did a video on the simple set-up of a banjo for Classic style. :-)

I talk about bridges at around 5 minutes in:

Good luck and let us see/ hear the results.

So cool. Thank you very much!

thereallyniceman said:

Much jollity chaps, but little help I fear :-)

Grace, as a woodworker you will be able to spend your days whittling away on the front porch after reading site member, Joel Hooks', short primer on antique bridge designs:

LINK TO VISIT PAGE :     Joel Hooks' Website

Joel may reply to your post as he is in regular contact here. I prefer a "Morley" style made of maple as can be seen at the bottom of Joel's Shop page (where you could buy one!) I have made a few of these bridges from old maple flooring timber.  I prefer to make a 5/8" tall bridge that I can reduce in height by sanding the feet to get the correct action height for the strings.

When I was much younger, I did a video on the simple set-up of a banjo for Classic style. :-)

I talk about bridges at around 5 minutes in:

Good luck and let us see/ hear the results.

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