Even more of Hal Allert's superb CB arrangements added to the MUSIC LIBRARY

Over the last few weeks our friend Hal Allert of   www.classicbanjo.com  has been sending copies of multipart banjo arrangements that he has produced.

The amount of time and effort in creating, entering these banjo scores can only be imagined. I know how much time it has taken me to enter them into the MUSIC LIBRARY database !

Not only has Hal produced music scores for each banjo (mainly 3 banjos, but some with 6 or more!), but then combined scores containing each instrument.... and then an MP3 file of the score being played.

I have added all the scores to the MUSIC LIBRARY... so just enter :   Allert

into the keyword box and you will be able to view, download and listen to all his scores.

Thank you Hal for all the PDF files... yes I do have to extract out each page as a .tif file for them to work in the viewer and the database... in this case, over 200 of them !!    :-)

Perhaps you could tell us a bit more about the arrangements and when they have been played?

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Wow! Thanks Hal (and Ian). These are excellent arrangements...and the tunes are stellar.

I tabbed out "Shovelfish" years ago (from an 1965 ABF issue) but have never attempted it.

Now I just gotta find two more banjoists in my area...that aren't totally BG. That ain't gonna happen! :-(

I am glad that you like the arrangements, it's nice to get validation for what I think are great songs to play. I have always thought Shovel Fish has one too many parts to it, it seems to go on forever but I certainly wouldn't know which one was unnecessary.

I am making all of the parts available in case anyone does have someone to play with.But each part is separate so you can play the lead against the MP3. Don't overlook the pieces because you are a lone player. Some of the leads have dead measures in them because the other banjos are playing something. Without these other parts, the song wouldn't sound right.

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