Chris Sands…What a guy! What an inspiration! What a ..........

It appears that in one of our FREE beginners’ video LESSONS on the site that I included two, two bar exercises that I was taught when paying for lessons with Chris Sands in around 1978.

Chris has reported this as a Copyright Infringement to YouTube and they have deleted the lesson.


These four bars were, apparently, composed by TBj, and Chris who owns the copyright has demanded their removal.

Obviously, I sincerely apologise if this has been a gross infringement of TBj copyright and will ensure that I never let it happen again.

So the Lesson Fingering Exercises and Scales video has been deleted.   :-(


To those who watched the video:

Please forget what I said and destroy anything that may remind you of those four bars.


But don’t worry everyone, I have edited and re-uploaded a redacted version of the video.


A personal message to Chris:

Thank you for your unceasing support for Classic Banjo and our website.

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I use sissors .hold sissors with left thumb and first finger place right thumb and first finger on outside of blades and push pull with pressure ,this will also put groove in fingers if you alltinate.

   : )   didn't " clip it on", even I understood that you had to open it up,  I have found another Bulldog clip in the house that is slightly different and more comfortable to  use, so definitely going to do the exercises.  and I will be careful and not over do it.   Must admit that I was surprised that my little fingers were so weak.

Jody Stecher said:

First I didn't know what a "bulldog" clip was. I found out. Then I couldn't locate the Ouch Factor. Am still confused about that. Didn't L.W.Howe press the clip *between" the fingers? Clipping it *on* the fingers would hurt. But why would squeezing hurt?

Nothing on this aspect

I think I would be inclined to call Chris Sands bluff - If the originals were from Tarrant Bailey Jnr how can he claim to own the copyright. I would want him to show me proof as to how he obtained or has he bought and paid for the copyright. I think the whole thing is a bit petty on his part after all what harm can be done by helping someone with fingering exercises? My father used to teach the Banjo to literally hundreds of people over the years but I would never dream of preventing someone from using his fingering exercises. You only have to look & listen to Rob Murch who was one of my father's star pupils. It's almost to the state of "Health & Safety" Rules and regulations, utterly stupid and grossly insensible!! Tarry Barriball

I think I would be inclined to call Chris Sands bluff - If the originals were from Tarrant Bailey Jnr how can he claim to own the copyright. I would want him to show me proof as to how he obtained or has he bought and paid for the copyright. I think the whole thing is a bit petty on his part after all what harm can be done by helping someone with fingering exercises? My father used to teach the Banjo to literally hundreds of people over the years but I would never dream of preventing someone from using his fingering exercises. You only have to look & listen to Rob Murch who was one of my father's star pupils. It's almost to the state of "Health & Safety" Rules and regulations, utterly stupid and grossly insensible!! Tarry Barriball

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