Hi all and thanks for adding me to the group. I have an 1905 Windsor Popular that ive had for some time now. I recently took it to a very competent string instrument repair guy who has replaced the vellum and some of the frets that desperately needed doing. I know he does good work but It just isn't right. Doesn't' play or sound anything as nice as it used to. Could anyone recommend someone either in the English Midlands or someone that specialises in these instruments. Thanks in advance. Andy. 

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Hi Andy, where in the West midlands are you? I live in Malvern, if you are in striking distance, I could have a look at it for you..Steve.

You could try getting in touch with Clive Hughes, he lives in Blissgate near Kidderminster.

He is the only person I will let anywhere near my banjoes


I know where Bliss Gate is...Any contact details?

Tom Ryan said:

You could try getting in touch with Clive Hughes, he lives in Blissgate near Kidderminster.

He is the only person I will let anywhere near my banjoes


Divinity sounds a plan...probably wont get chance this side of xmas but im near Stourbridge so not that far.

Steve Harrison said:

Hi Andy, where in the West midlands are you? I live in Malvern, if you are in striking distance, I could have a look at it for you..Steve.


Give me a call tomorrow on 07811-336636 and I will give you his contact details.


Hi there Tom, Apologies.. I know its been a while , is this Gentleman still setting up banjos? All the best for the new year BTW. Andy.

Yes he is.  Happy new year


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