
Does anyone one know if the Classic Banjo Podcasts from the now defunct classicbanjo.com are still hosted anywhere?


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Hi Richard - I ran the last-remaining professional seaside pierrot troupe - 'The Pierrotters' from 1983-2010. You can see the stuff on our website www.pierrotters.co.uk and also the history of pierrots in Britain on my site: www.seasidefollies.co.uk 


I remember you and your pierrot troupe you were going to take a look at Charlie Roger's props trunk when i lived in Scarborough some years ago but we never actually met.

Uncle Tacko! said:

Hi Richard - I ran the last-remaining professional seaside pierrot troupe - 'The Pierrotters' from 1983-2010. You can see the stuff on our website www.pierrotters.co.uk and also the history of pierrots in Britain on my site: www.seasidefollies.co.uk 


Hi Richard,

I would love to have a chat about all things Clifford Essex and pierrot-related! I too have a Portman Rooms programme from December 1891 (I agree, they're not cheap!) I knew Geoff Mellor, the Chapmans and Bill Pertwee before they died and my book will hopefully be a more rigorous and analytical exploration of the history of the form. 

Regarding Kate Sampey - I would happily credit you and Anthony in the book. I have very little to go on about her other tha her title as 'the lady banjoist'. Any details of precisely when she joined Essex, how he knew her and why/when she left the troupe to be replaced by Francine Dewhurst would be much-appreciated.

Many thanks,


Richard William Ineson said:

I remember you and your pierrot troupe you were going to take a look at Charlie Roger's props trunk when i lived in Scarborough some years ago but we never actually met.

What a lovely item  and what a pity we never met! Tony

Uncle Tacko! said:

Hi Richard - I ran the last-remaining professional seaside pierrot troupe - 'The Pierrotters' from 1983-2010. You can see the stuff on our website www.pierrotters.co.uk and also the history of pierrots in Britain on my site: www.seasidefollies.co.uk 


I'll get the few bits and pieces I have about KS together, and make a start about writing her up for the Morley bio on this site, I haven't found a photograph of her yet. Good to know that another 1891 programme survived.

Uncle Tacko! said:

Hi Richard,

I would love to have a chat about all things Clifford Essex and pierrot-related! I too have a Portman Rooms programme from December 1891 (I agree, they're not cheap!) I knew Geoff Mellor, the Chapmans and Bill Pertwee before they died and my book will hopefully be a more rigorous and analytical exploration of the history of the form. 

Regarding Kate Sampey - I would happily credit you and Anthony in the book. I have very little to go on about her other tha her title as 'the lady banjoist'. Any details of precisely when she joined Essex, how he knew her and why/when she left the troupe to be replaced by Francine Dewhurst would be much-appreciated.

Many thanks,


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