Encore un beau morceau inédit composé par Joe Morley , le plus grand de tous les compositeurs Anglais de l 'époque Victorienne ; ceci est un 1er jet avec l '...
Well done, Marc. I've always been intrigued by this one and the one called "Sylvanesque". Looks like Morley had a sylvan phase there? Or maybe he was just running out of ideas?
That is a great tune! I have never heard this Morley piece before and you played it so well.
I wonder what other Morley gems there are that have been lost in time? We all have seen the long list of his work but finding the hidden diamonds is the clever bit!
Really good indeed. Thank you Marc.
Comment by marc dalmasso on August 27, 2013 at 18:30
Thx ; yes gem is the word . We have a lot to extract from the scores..
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