Charles Mansell Plays Emile Grimshaw

Hello Everyone. I am proud to announce another two CDs available on the Classic Banjo Shopping site. I have restored two CDs of Charles Mansell playing his favorite Emile Grimshaw solos. I particularly like these two because you can actually hear Mr. Mansell playing the second parts to these songs. He actually played second banjo on all of his work but the quality has been so poor that those parts never stood out. Please purchase some of this fine music while it is still available.


Hal Allert

Views: 449

Comment by Ray Jones on May 3, 2011 at 6:05
Thanks Hal, you should get the Golden Banjo Award for effort.    Lots of great classic banjo pieces there for everyone to enjoy.   Whilst contemplating the banjo it came to mind that I know that there is Cammeyer and Weidt, but strangely, why is it that  the two top and most prolific composers for the banjo are English, Morley and Grimshaw.   Can anyone account for that, seeing that the banjo is the 'All American Instrument.'     Back to Mr. Mansell, I have only one good photo of Charles Mansell, does anyone out there have any others that they are willing to share?   Ray
Comment by Mike Moss on May 3, 2011 at 9:46

Hi Ray,


on the banjo in England, the article "Minstrel and Classic Banjo: American and English Connections" by Robert B. Winans and Elias Kaufman is very enlightening and shows how English banjo players and composers went from copying American styles and songs to producing a vast amount of repertoire which was eventually even exported back to America.


Oh, and thanks for making the music available, Hal, I bought one of your digital download CDs not long ago and the sound quality was very nice!

Comment by Trapdoor2 on May 3, 2011 at 12:29

Hard to say, Ray, too many variables. Popular music varied immensely between the US and the UK (until radio washed us all with the same waves) and both sides often sought out each other's music as a novelty. I have noticed that most of the Brit sheet music I find here are of the "light" variety (ie, humorous stuff like "Banjo Oddity", etc.). Most of the American stuff (again, as I have collected) published by Brits seem to harken back to the minstrel show.

Still, there are generally only a rare few who are going to write so prolifically. Here's to Grimshaw and Morley, may their banjos ring forever! 

Comment by marc dalmasso on May 3, 2011 at 13:03
But Popular music didn 't  varied immensely between  France and the UK ; in this UK ' wedding period , i am proud to inform you that   " god save the queen " was composed by the French compositor jean baptiste Lully , named " et dieu sauva le roy " music & words  stolen by Haendel and sold by him to the Brits
Comment by thereallyniceman on May 3, 2011 at 15:32
I have been looking in your shop and in "Bundled Downloads" I only see Mansell's Emile Grimshaw Vol 2 available for download.. Is Grimshaw Volume 1 bundled..or am I missing something?

I would purchase both at the same time if it is.


Comment by Hal Allert on May 3, 2011 at 18:20

Both of the Grimshaw tapes should be up there. I am sorry for the error. The program for posting the music is really kluge. I will work on that today and get the set on the site. Thanks for pointing out the error.



Comment by Hal Allert on May 3, 2011 at 21:26
I have now corrected this morning's error. Both of the Grimshaw tapes are on the storefront now. Please help yourself.

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