This is a good composition from the pen of the 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' and is taken from one of his musicals of the same name. It's a good example of his musical versatility. The piano score was in C, I've arranged it in F as it better fits the banjo. The original was overly long so I've shortened it by omitting some of the repeats and I think it's now just about right. The score and midi are in the library....Steve.

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"The original was overly long so I've shortened it by omitting some of the repeats and I think it's now just about right". Ha that is a recurent problem for ragtime player, and banjo Morley player. It happened all the time that the tune is very long with the repeats or by the strange intricacy of strains; Im often confronted to this dilemma, wanting to cut (or play just a strain one time, without repeat), but I don't dare. But it's acceptable of course : people hearing/listening to the tune usually don't know the exact structure of the tune !

I share here what i just recorded,follwing the exact structures.. but man Steve is right and can short too long tunes (ex: a banjo oddity, complex A coming again and again between other strains, but .. I ll try it in futur in complete stuff, ouch

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