Hi Folks,

I recently came into (temporally) possession of thee issues of the BMG from the mid 20s (March 1926, April 1926 and November 1925).  So far I've read one issue and really enjoyed it.

What is the current copyright status on these (I think British copyright is different then the US rule of 1923)?  Where can I get my hands on more issues?

I'm not really interested in much after the 1930s.  My scanning plate is pretty full right now but I would be happy to extend a offer to pay postage both directions for a loan of issues at some time in the future.  Depending on the copyright situation, I could return the originals and include scanned digital files.

At any rate, there seems to be good stuff in these and I am interesting in seeing more.


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Hi Joel,

Copyright is long defunct on these old BMG magazines, as are the companies that produced them.

I really like the very early ones and would love a copy of yours if you get round to scanning them. They often contain interesting facts and photos of players long forgotten!  I have a couple of 1930ish  BMGs and will see if I can find them for you.

I was given a couple of thirties editions by a friend who had no idea what they are, and they really are fascinating.

I'll scan them when I get a mo.

Great!  I had planned on scanning them anyway but if they were still in copyright I would have just sat on the digital file.

I'll upload here (or send to Ian) when I get them done.  Two are missing the music but the sheets are in the library here so no big deal.  Perhaps we could (and by "we" I really mean the members on the other side of the pond) use this interwebs to put together a collection?

So far Ian has made this the go to spot for classic banjo, adding back issues of periodicals would be a natural fit.


I would advocate extreme caution!

Copyright laws in the UK are far stricter than the US.

We are running a fine line with BMG music supplements.

To publish, on the site, a complete edition of a BMG magazine (irrespective of age) is liable to cause problems.

Keynotes, not a problem - I have already investigated this but CE publications are a no  no. 

Okay, I don't want to be the one to steal the property away from the rightful owners.  Would that be third generation by now?  Perhaps if we tracked them down we could get them to reissue in a large volume with the promise of selling tens of copies!

In the US anything published before 1923 is fair game and owned "by the public."  Copyright is a weird thing, it certainly prevents a lot of archaic and unmarketable info from being gotten to by the few who still want it.

Back to the stacks to turn to dust!

David Wade said:


I would advocate extreme caution!

Copyright laws in the UK are far stricter than the US.

We are running a fine line with BMG music supplements.

To publish, on the site, a complete edition of a BMG magazine (irrespective of age) is liable to cause problems.

Keynotes, not a problem - I have already investigated this but CE publications are a no  no. 

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