October 1904, April 1923, July 1923, August 1923, September 1923 and October 1923, have now uploaded.



I recently received an email from Ian Stevens in Australia who told me that he had recently bought a tub of old magazines at an auction and found many copies of the B.M.G magazine. Doing some research he had found our site and as he went through them he saw that he had a few issues that weren't in our archive.


Some are in excellent condition; some less so, with the odd cover missing and a bit of wear and tear and all smell like Grandma’s house :-)


Ian kindly posted six missing copies to me for the John Field BMG Library and has a list of other BMG mags that he will give to anyone for the cost of postage only!


He hopes that he can find them a home with someone, preferably in Australia, who will truly appreciate them, but if it comes to nought then at least he has tried!


Contact me at:     thereallyniceman@yahoo.co.uk and I will pass you Ian’s contact details.


Issues that he has available:







Jan, October


April, June


Feb, March, May (x2), Sept, Oct, Dec


Jan, Feb, March, April, June, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec


Jan, Feb, March, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec




March, May, June


May, June (x2), July







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This is fantastic Ian!  Thank you for all your scanning and this website!!

As a matter of fact, I was just organizing all of my digital BMGs to make sure I had the current searchable copies.

I am constantly finding new stuff in these.  Some people read novels, I read old banjo magazines. 

Thank you Joel !    We are slowly getting there but there are quite a number of very early magazines missing for our library.

If anyone can help fill the gaps PLEASE do let me have a scan or the loan of a copy/copies to add to the LIBRARY.

I too love the articles in these old magazines.

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