Please view Pics of my latest acquisition via E bay. I've done just enough restoration to get it into playable condition. The banjo has been well played over the years and shows signs of its great age.
The arm and perch pole had warped slightly to the extent that the arm was parallel to the drum and needed a ridiculously low bridge to enable it to be played. Rather than chop it about, I solved the problem by removing the wedges and inserting a couple of .8mm shims between the arm and the hoop. When the wedges were reinserted, the arm angled downwards sufficiently to allow a 5/8 bridge, which I made to the Windsor design, to be used. I discarded the metal tail-piece, which I don't think was original, and replaced it with a Weaver type which I made from ebonised maple . It would originally have had a violin type 5th peg and this had been replaced, probably early on in its life, by a weaver type friction peg. The banjo has what can best be described as a "sweet" sound with plenty of volume and is a welcome addition to my collection. I paid £134 which I think was a good price for such a rare banjo.

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Hi Steve, I enjoyed looking at the photos and comparing it with my Parslow.   Are we going to hear it ?

I've recently gone live with Skype..if you're on Skype  let me know your contact details and we can try a live session.

You should be able to find me if you search for Steve Harrison, Malvern.

I think James must have had an off day when he made this one because instead of marking the 10th fret as is usual with most banjos, the 9th fret was marked instead. Most off putting until I got used to it.  Is your's marked in the same way?

Hi Steve. yes my Parslow is marked at the 9th fret too, however my other two banjos are marked at 10th.

 I have just been looking at my guitars and two are marked at 9th one at 10th and the Classic only has the 7th marked on the side of the neck.

Yes I am on Skype, got it up and running so that I could have the occasional banjo lesson with Rob Mackillop. A live session sounds a good idea,would be interesting to try, must warn you though that I am just a beginner. If you could post a piece of music that I could look at and practice we could see what could be achieved. If I couldn't manage banjo I could always try and strum along with the guitar.

Also, I read that you play the accordion.   I sometimes play easy second part to a friends first part and chords. I do need to read the music though, don't play by ear and it is all pretty easy stuff. My Accordion is an old Hohner student 3 so is a bit limited. Will let you know my contact details.



If you search on Skype, you should find me OK, try and make a contact sometime and you can have a listen to my Parslow. I have my computer on most afternoons and evenings.
Hi Steve, Thank you for the invite,I will try and make contact the early part of next weeek probably in the evening. 

Steve Harrison said:
If you search on Skype, you should find me OK, try and make a contact sometime and you can have a listen to my Parslow. I have my computer on most afternoons and evenings.

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