Hi all,

I haven't been very active in the last years, mainly because I haven't had time to play classic banjo at all. I hope that will change in the near future.

I would like your expert opinion on a banjo for sale. A friend of mine want's to get in to banjo playing and found the banjo in the link.

Bertolle banjo

To my eyes it looks like a really nice instrument (perhaps slightly over priced?)

What are your thoughts on it? Would it be a good buy?

All the best,


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To my eye it looks like a nice banjo and not expensive.  But of course it depends on how well it plays and how it sounds. Also there are some pictures of wooden objects whose identity and condition is not clear to me. A detached dowel stick? Random pieces of lumber in the case? I can't tell.

Thanks Jody.

I'm guessing the person selling it took the neck off to show in what state it is? I don't know either.

Jody Stecher said:

To my eye it looks like a nice banjo and not expensive.  But of course it depends on how well it plays and how it sounds. Also there are some pictures of wooden objects whose identity and condition is not clear to me. A detached dowel stick? Random pieces of lumber in the case? I can't tell.

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