"I teach you the overbanjo. Banjo is something that shall be overcome."

Nietzschebanjo? 2001 a Banjo Odyssey?

Anyhow, I remembered Joan Dickerson (a student of Bradbury's, I think) once mentionned she fell asleep trying to arrange "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" for Classic Banjo and gave it up as a futile effort... so I decided to give it a shot, and, just as I was thinking "gee, I wish I had a G bass string!" it dawned upon me.

The Überbanjo -- the cello banjo! So I wrote this arrangement (partly by ear, partly based on an orchestral score) in the hopes that Marc (Dalmasso) or Marc (S) -- our two resident C-B owners -- will be man enough to play this as a duet with me ;-)

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Gaak! I would be afraid some monkey might shy a bone at my head.

That score has too much space in it. Some of those dots are mere circles...I don't think my strings will vibrate long enough for them!

The score has too much space in it? Well it would hardly be a space odyssey without space! ;-) Those round notes represent Hal 9000's glowing eye glaring at you through the sheet music!

Daisy, daisy...

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